This was another excellent session with our American School in London Debating & Public Speaking Club.
Our skill focus this week looked at Style and Tone and how to deliver a speech in a confident and persuasive way and maximise attention from any/the audience.
Our warm-up/interview style question asked: 'If you could study abroad, where would you pick/choose and why?'
New York, Tokyo, Singapore, Shanghai, Rome and Florence all featured with job opportunities, top universities and the chance to meet new people being given as the reasoning.
Our newsround saw reference to the ending of the Bute House agreement, the resignation of the First Minister of Scotland, the health of King Charles III as he returns to public duties, the Trump legal case, student protests in the USA and the forthcoming Mayoral election (and local council elections in the UK). We also covered in some detail the elections in India and the long process of voting and counting.
Following our newsround, we turned to a question on values and what we look for within schools and society?
From mottos, to codes of conduct, and beliefs, the group explored what they felt to be key to a society, from kindness to respect.
We then turned to two debates:
(i) Our first on the motion: 'This House would ban TikTok?' following the legislation in the USA and President Biden's plans. The group rejected the idea of a ban at both tellings. Great emphasis was given to concentration levels, security concerns and inappropriate material for children, yet the group thought the practicality of a ban impossible to enforce, and the jobs at risk and business development opportunities too high/important to support a ban.
(ii) For our second debate we looked at a question on 'School uniform': 'This House would ban School Uniform?'
This saw the group support the ban at both tellings. The proposition emphasised comfort, convenience, and cost. The opposition argued for teamwork, safety and security and a feeling of identity that uniform can bring.
Another super session! Well done all.