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Dr Johnson's House - Socratic Club Museum Trip & Debating Session - 24th February

Dr George Gross

Junior and Senior Socratic Club members combined for a fascinating Lent term Museum trip to Dr Johnson's House. It was marvellous to delve into Georgian history and this 18th century house, with remarkable and unique features - including a double-set of partition doors at drawing room level - the only such known in the UK.

We discussed the differences between London today and the two cities of Westminster and the City of London in the early modern world. 

We learnt about Dr Johnson's literary skills as well as his connection to Abolitionism and his intriguing household and guests, from world famous artists such as Joshua Reynolds, to Clapham Sect members including Hannah More. 

The English Dictionary in all the different manifestations presented in the house had the entire group excited and our debating session looked at three different motions inspired by the museum and the English language, from spellings to literary thought. 

It was also splendid to debate in rooms used by Dr Johnson for discussion and debate, recreating several hundred years of tradition and history. 

How remarkable too in the palimpsest nature of London that the home had so many levels of history and also a role to play in WWII too. 

The saying goes 'when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life' - it was certainly the case that we were not tired of Dr Johnson's House! 

Well done all in the group for asking such interesting questions and for engaging with the different features and topics of the home.

Greatly looking forward to our next Museum venture. 

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