Eaton House Belgravia School - 1st March 2023

A lively and very energetic session today!
We focused on how to structure your argument during a debate. Each boy chose his own topic to debate and was tasked with presenting an interesting opening statement, an outline of what their supporting reasons were, the reasons and the supporting by stories or evidence and a punchy conclusion, the boys then took points of information from the audience and had to defend their points. We will continue to build upon this skill throughout the term.
We also discussed a few current affairs, focusing on the Prime Minister’s new Brexit deal and what a rise in corporation tax might mean for businesses — it was unanimously agreed that funding the war in Ukraine would be harder with a lower tax rate.
Well done all!
Knightsbridge School - 2nd March

Another excellent session with our Knightsbridge club! In the first half we continued our newsround of current affairs, with each student presenting on a news fact. The group has taken magnificently to this! From the Northern-Ireland protocol, to changes in taxation, the support for earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria, to food challenges across the UK with bad weather in Spain and North Africa - it was a superb session of headlines.
We then turned to our skill of the week and how to impress the judge or umpire in debating, following the sad passing of Baroness Boothroyd - the first women speaker of the House of Commons in over 700 years.
We looked at:
Reasoning & Evidence
Listening & Response
Organisation & Prioritisation
Expression & Delivery
Team Work & Roles
Our debates covered the motion:
This House thinks that Corporation Tax should increase?
This was on the back of multiple Conservative Chancellors urging Jeremy Hunt to reverse his decision for April, not least because of the move made by AstraZeneca to relocate some business/new investment to Ireland and elsewhere.
The group focussed on the needs of the NHS and the military, against making sure we really would raise funds with this tax, with major concerns about the UK becoming less competitive.
The summary speaking was particularly good and we will work further on POIs next time.
Well done all!