This was another excellent session with our St Andrew's debating and interview club. It was great to see many in group developing more public speaking confidence and contributing throughout the different questions and discussions so impressively.
Our skills of the week looked at how to tackle/manage public speaking nerves and how best to use Points of Information.
For our warm-up question we asked (with 'Why'/justification absolutely crucial):
(i) What is your favourite hobby?
This took in travel, musical instruments, drawing, baking, riding, cross-country running and cycling.
We then turned to a Newsround focussing on:
The US Presidential Election
Another assassination attempt on Donald Trump
Keir Starmer's US and Italian visits
The War in Ukraine
Our debates covered the motions:
(i) 'This House would ban junk food online advertising and television advertising (before 9pm)'
- here we saw an excellent debate with finance, jobs and practicality battling against the need to make progress on childhood obesity and any percentage difference would help society. Questions over freedom of choice, impact and managing expectations all came up. The group began broadly in favour of the motion, but by the end of the session had moved against with the financial argument weighing heavily.
(ii) 'This House would ban mobile phone use in schools' following a recent decision by one of England's largest academy trusts.
- The group voted overwhelmingly against the motion on the basis of choice and practicality.
Well done all.