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St. Kitts International Academy Debating & Public Speaking Club - 17th September 2024

Dr George Gross

Updated: Sep 30, 2024

This was another great session with our St Kitt's International Academy debating and interview club. 

Our skills of the week focussed on how to tackle/manage public speaking nerves and how best to use Points of Information - an important skill for debating competitions.  

For our warm-up question we asked (with 'Why'/justification absolutely crucial):

(i) What is your favourite hobby?

This took in reading, travel, chess, musical instruments, painting, riding, rugby, football and swimming amongst other pursuits. 

(ii) We also explored what qualifies as art? / Who decides what art is? / is beauty in the eye of the beholder? 

This led to a fascinating discussion - from contemporary to renaissance examples and questions of creativity or message. 

We then turned to a Newsround focussing on: 

  • The US Presidential Election

  • A Shark attack in St Kitt's

  • A ban in the US on RT - Twitter being banned in Brazil

  • Another assassination attempt on Donald Trump

  • Keir Starmer's US and Italian visits

  • The War in Ukraine 

  • Floods in Eastern Europe

  • Local St Kitt's police news 

Our central debates covered the motions:


(i) 'This House would ban junk food online advertising and television advertising (before 9pm)' 

- here we saw an excellent debate with jobs, finance and practicality battling against the importance of health for children and adults as a whole. 80% voted in favour of a ban. The questions of a 'nanny state'/freedom of choice, and the actual impact of ban were explored as well as managing expectations for children and parents. 

(ii) 'This House would ban phones in school'

- having split into teams we saw voting begin with 60% against a ban. By the second telling this had moved to 80%. Many felt phones were useful to learning if managed well, from calculators to helpful language/translate/dictionary tools. Those against felt they were distractions from day-to-day learning. This was an excellent debate - very well done all. 

Looking forward to next week!

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