It was great to resume our Socratic Club debating this term - with two superb sessions of our Junior and Senior groups.
We began with a warm-up discussion of world events - what our members had seen in the news and thought most pressing or relevant. The Junior group provided some outstanding examples.
Our skills of the week involved working on using evidence, stories and questions (rhetorical too) in our arguments and points.
We were delighted to see differing views across the age groups and approaches to the varying topics we covered.
In the Junior club the first motion asked whether President Biden should resign over the misuse/possession of classified documents?
In both tellings the group felt he should be given a second chance, not least because of the wider risks to US politics and the global situation with the War in Ukraine. There was also concern that this might give room for a return to a Trump presidency. It was also felt that Biden's Vice-President or another, would not have the necessary mandate to lead. The context of Boris Johnson and 'cake/party-gate' was also included in the discussion.
In our second formal debate, we turned to the fall-out from the Brazilian election and whether 'this house should always follow the rules?'
Voting rested at 90% arguing against the motion. Whilst many were concerned about anarchy, there were many instances from the suffragettes, to Putin's regime, or Nazi Germany, that provided examples of times to make a stand and act against the existing rules and regime. It was a fascinating debate.
Our Senior session followed the pattern of the Junior session in terms of skills and debates, but with a majority at first in favour of Biden resigning. This shifted to 50/50 in the second telling. World events and the repercussions of a resignation playing heavily on the voting.
In the second motion, the majority as with the junior group felt that there were clear exceptions that might involve rule breaking.
The motion was rejected 75% to 25%.
We will be working on conviction and selling argumentation better to the audience following our speaker session. Well done all today!
Lent Term Dates 2023
Socratic Club & Special Workshops
15th January
Hybrid Interview Workshop & Group Debating
(In Person & via zoom)
(Junior and Senior) (10:30 am)
22nd January
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
29th January
Speaker Session
with special guest Admiral Mike Haskins (US Navy)
Junior Group & Senior Group (4 pm)
5th February
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
19th February
(Bring a friend)
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
5th March
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
12th March
Courtauld Gallery Tour
(In Person)
(Junior and Senior) (11 am)
19th March
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
16th April
Hybrid Revision & Exam Technique Workshop
(In Person & via zoom)
(Junior and Senior) (10:30 am)