This week we started our session by talking about the news headlines of the last few days, such as the helicopter crash and death of the Iranian president. After some students had taken a recent trip to Ireland, it was then mentioned that they saw the ‘free Palestine’ movement much more visibly there, than in London, and we looked at reasons as to why this might be.
Our interview question of the week looked at whether students should all be given the option to type in exams and if handwriting should be less enforced. This created some good decision, all agreeing that handwriting was a life skill, but that typing was used much more in today’s society.
Our focus this week was looking at how one can use persuasive language in a debate (flattery, rhetorical questions, opinion etc.) Students were paired off and each pair given a different topic to look at, one supporting an argument, the other against. When putting forth their argument, the class had to guess which persuasive technique they were using, in addition to deciding who won the pair’s debate. Jacob performed very well here, arguing for VAR to be banned in sports, awarding him the title of ‘Prime Minister of the week’.
As a class we then discussed the various advantages and disadvantages of AI, before looking at the recent portrait of King Charles III, thinking about the symbolism used with the butterfly, the use of colour and brushwork.
All students participated extremely well this week and it was a great session before they head off on their summer vacations.