With interview season upon us, the Socratic club held a special interview workshop (hybrid: in person and on zoom) to work on specific individual questions as well as group technique.
Most school interviews or assessment days now involve a group element and so it is important as well as tackling specific questions for the candidate, that we also work on how our students interact in a group interview setting.
This was also an opportunity of recapitulation on our previous workshop - extending skills from personalisation to unseen work.
We focussed on core questions: favourite subject(s) and why this school?; and also unseen work and current affairs examples.
It was great to see new members pick up on these skills so quickly and to see how many of our longstanding members had developed since our previous session, taking on board our feedback.
Should you have any questions or would like to book in an individual session, please do get in touch. We recommend our Socratic club sessions for current affairs work. Please see dates below.
Wishing our members the best of luck in the forthcoming interviews!
Lent Term Dates 2023
22nd January Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
​ 29th January Speaker Session with special guest Admiral Mike Haskins (US Navy) Junior Group & Senior Group (4 pm)
​ 5th February Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
​ 19th February (Bring a friend) Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
5th March Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
​ 19th March Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
Workshops & Events
12th March Courtauld Gallery Tour (In Person) (Junior and Senior) (11 am)
​ 16th April Hybrid Revision & Exam Technique Workshop (In Person & via zoom) (Junior and Senior) (10:30 am)