It was great to do another debating workshop with Nimble Minds.
This term we interwove debating topics with interview skills.
As a warm-up we asked each pupil if they had the power of the Mayor of London, what they would do/or change in London? This included excellent examples from solar panels to more trees and additional or different transport links/roads.
We also looked at their favourite hobby - with an emphasis on explaining 'why' with detail/examples.
We then turned to three debating motions:
(i) This house would ban homework (This was split evenly);
(ii) This house would ban plane travel to help the planet (The motion was rejected overwhelmingly at both tellings);
and on the back of the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's plan
(iii) This house thinks that Mathematics is more important than English (This was again split, but with a majority in favour of English).
Throughout the session we discussed the importance of justifying answers, and active listening - in order to help with rebuttal and responding to points.
Well done all for such a thought provoking session.