This was another very encouraging session with our St Andrew's Pangbourne debating club.
This week, continuing the skill/theme of summary speaking and endings, we looked at conviction and how to speak with an affirmative voice. Well done all on incorporating so many skills covered this term in our debating today.
As a warm up we turned to the interview question: 'what would you like to be when you are older?'
We had a wonderful array of options mentioned from law to teaching, and tech entrepreneurs to sporting targets/goals. This was followed with an impressive newsround, taking in knife crime, ice melting in Antarctica, the Political Party Conference season and the conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region between Armenian and Azerbaijan.
Our debating topics followed the recent change in the law on single use plastics and questions of tax from the Conservative Party Conference. In both tellings the group remained relatively divided over the single use plastic ban. There were concerns about practicality, fairness to those on lower incomes and the takeaway job market. This was countered with the desire to deal with ocean plastic waste and a wider effort to help the environment.
On tax we asked the group to name their top 3 priorities. Views differed from, NHS/healthcare, to Welfare, Housing, Education and Defence spending.
Well done both proposition and opposition on such a stimulating debate ... we could easily have had another hour of discussion!