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St Philip's and WCCS Debating and Public Speaking Workshops - 27 & 28 June 2024

Dr George Gross

It was great to work with both St Philip’s School and WCCS as we approached the end of the Summer term, with Debating and Public Speaking Workshops for their finalists.

Their Year 8 pupils showed tremendous aptitude, application and talent for presentation, rhetoric and wider argumentation skills. Each session prepared the groups for our annual debating competition between the schools (to be held the week after).

The sessions were split into three parts:

(i) Skills and top tips for public speaking - from interviews to class presentations, to debating - these included posture and active listening, as well as rhetorical devices.

(ii) A current affairs debating motion inspired by the UK General Election - 'This House would reduce the voting age from 18 to 16'.

(iii) & a more philosophical debate on homework on the motion 'This House would ban homework’.

The first debate saw the majority (in each school) reject the motion, with even a small group arguing to increase the age for voting to 21. Voting remained relatively consistent throughout the session with only minor changes at the second telling.

We were delighted to see active listening and the groups picking up on arguments and points they had not heard before. We were impressed too with the planning and teamwork that took place and the extensive set of Points of Information (POIs).

The second debate saw a via media in both schools emerge of reducing homework but not banning it altogether. In each vote it was clear that students feel they have too much homework.

The quality of speeches and the interest in the subjects from the finalists means there is much to expect and anticipate with the forthcoming competition!

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