This was a very impressive session with our St Philip's Debating & Interview Club.
Our skill focus this week looked at presentation/and argumentation with the use of a list format. Not only does this provide structure, it is also particularly useful in a conclusion or summary speech as a way to cover lots of material quickly whilst highlighting key points.
For our warm up we then turned to our interview style question with an emphasis on 'why'?:
'Tell us about a book you have recently read and enjoyed?' The key here was to look for detail and explanation (not forgetting author's name).
From Tolkien to Pullman we were given some wonderful examples, with excellent exposition.
Our newsround saw reference to the sporting fixtures, a potential ceasefire in Gaza, the resignation of the First Minister in Scotland, TikTok, the War in Ukraine and re-election of the Mayor of London. We also looked at Nasa's space travel plans with Boeing's Starliner.
We then turned to two debates on the back of two anniversary occasions - 30 years of the Channel Tunnel and the Coronation anniversary for King Charles III.
Motion 1: 'This House would retain the monarchy' &
Motion 2: 'This House would invest in more undersea trains'.
The group voted overwhelmingly in favour of retaining the monarchy, matching the recent poll in support of King Charles III. Standing above the fray, bringing people together, tradition and fear of the alternative all weighed heavily in the debate. There were concerns about the concept of hereditary rule, but the Presidential alternatives across the world did not inspire the group.
Undersea trains divided the floor at both tellings, with many in favour of new links and infrastructure, whilst others very concerned about cost and lack of planning/budget.
Very well done all!