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Hristina Ivanova

The Socratic Club - 18th December

Our final Socratic club sessions of this term began with a recapitulation of key skills and a quiz to see how well our members had grasped and remembered these top tips and important techniques learnt this term.

We looked at facts, evidence, stories and rhetorical questions in ways to improve argumentation, as well as how to present better, both vocally and in body language.

We then turned to some seasonal topics - from the recent cold snap and snowy weather, to the need for more electricity to help with heating/cost of living crisis.

The first motion, 'This House should be better prepared for snow?'

The second motion, 'This House would use coal this winter to help with the current fuel/electricity crisis'.

In the first instance, the motion was carried with a significant majority (over 60%) at both tellings.

In the second debate, the motion was rejected 33% to 67% in both tellings.

It was great to see how in each point, the group was not only exceptionally enthusiastic with delivery, but key skills were being used, from rhetorical questions, to stories to explain their arguments.

In the second debate there was considerable concern with the use of coal power stations and adding further to a global warming crisis.

We ended with a review of the strikes taking places this festive season. Next term we will focus on how to analyse sources and graphs - as this type of question is more frequently emerging in debating competitions and in interview settings.

It has been an excellent term of debating - including a tremendous competition at Gray's Inn - well done all!

We wish everyone a very happy Christmas and look forward to catching up with you all in 2023!

Lent Term Dates 2023

Socratic Club & Special Workshops

15th January

Hybrid Interview Workshop & Group Debating

(In Person & via zoom)

(Junior and Senior) (10:30 am)

22nd January

Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

29th January

Speaker Session

with special guest Admiral Mike Haskins (US Navy)

Junior Group & Senior Group (4 pm)

5th February

Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

19th February

(Bring a friend)

Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

5th March

Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

19th March

Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

16th April

Hybrid Revision & Exam Technique Workshop

(In Person & via zoom)

(Junior and Senior) (10:30 am)

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