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The Socratic Club - 19th March

Hristina Ivanova

This was a superb end of term set of sessions for both Junior and Senior groups - from an excellent newsround including reference to Egyptian archaeology, the Willow Project, Drones, the War in Ukraine, the Budget and Russia-China relations, to taking on our skill of the week, and tackling some very complex topics/motions - this was debating and discussion to an impressive level.

Following our newsround, we then turned to our skill of the week and how best to end an argument with a focus on Summary speaking.

We looked at inter alia:

  • What to include in a concluding speech

  • How to itemise points

  • Ending on a positive/high note

  • What to avoid - such as not raising new points at the end without context

Our debate focussed on the Gary Linker - Small boats immigration debate and centred on free speech:

  • This House thinks that Gary Lineker should be allowed to say what he thinks?

The motion was carried by 60/40 in the second telling for the Junior Group; and unanimously in the Senior Group. Whilst many thought he should have chosen his words more carefully, the fact that he was only a freelance worker with the BBC played heavily as well as the right to speak our minds. It was felt that free speech was of fundamental importance in the UK and should be upheld as much as possible. It was recognised by all that the issue/context of the small boats/migration crisis was exceptionally complex. The Junior Group then turned to preserving the wildlife of the British Isles on the back of the new BBC Attenborough series. Again a majority supported the motion - the proposition being that we should do more to look after our UK wildlife and this should be a top priority. In the Senior Group we also looked at the motion:

  • 'Was Joe Biden right to try and guarantee America's oil supply by giving the green light to the Willow project?'

This split the group at the first telling: 50/50 - with many concerned about the context of War, but in the second telling the arguments in favour of protecting species/the environment trumped the day and the motion was rejected 75% against and 25% for.

Well done all for taking on board so many skills this term, not least in the now excellent POIs that feature in every debate.

We much look forward to resuming our discussions and debating after the holidays!

Summer Term Dates 2023

30th April Coronation Special (Junior and Senior) (11 am)

​ 14th May Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

​ 28th May Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

​ 11th June Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

25th June Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

​ 9th July Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)

Workshops & Events

​ 16th April Hybrid Revision & Exam Technique Workshop (In Person & via zoom) (Junior and Senior) (10:30 am)

14th July Socratic Club Summer Competition & Certification (In Person) (Junior and Senior) (11 am)

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